X-Men Arcade – Xbox 360 Preview

X-Men Arcade is maybe the greatest example of pure nostalgia we’ve seen to date in a downloadable title. Usually, most developers who are rebooting or remaking some classic title seek to improve upon the formula by adding content, improving the graphics, tossing in some previously absent multiplayer, or re-imagining the game entirely. But aside from an up-res’d menu screen, this classic four-player fighting game is utterly, exactly the same as you may remember it from your local boyhood arcade.

In fact, the game is such a faithful, unwavering port of the original title that you’ll likely feel the urge to line up some quarters in front of your television. For those of you who need to be reminded of the simple awesomeness of X-Men Arcade, here’s a look:

You’ll choose between a handful of the classic X-Men including Wolverine, Cyclops, Nighcrawler, Collossus, Storm and Dazzler in your battle against Magneto and his band of Sentinels and brawling alligator-people. Don’t expect any new characters, levels or bosses, as the game is ported directly from the original version, except with a noticeably nicer menu screen. That said, all the same fisticuffs action remains with wave after wave of enemies pouring from various portals and doors.

Jump into the game with up to five friends — four-player local and 6-player online — and button-mash your way to the final confrontation with Magneto himself. Also, the old trick still works of waiting by a doorway and smashing your enemies in the balls as they attempt to walk out in a straight line. Who knew?


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