PSN Not Yet Restored In Japan

PSN Down: Sony Announced Compensation Plans, Hopes To Have Full PSN Restored By End of Month

PSN access has been restored to the US and many other countries across Europe. One of the remaining countries that has yet to have access to the PSN restored is the country where Sony, itself, is located. Japanese authorities have stopped Sony’s attempt to turn the PSN back on in Japan because they believe security measures are “incomplete.”

“We met with Sony on 6th May and 13th, and basically we want two things from them,” Kazushige Nobutani, director of the Media and Content Industry department at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, told Dow Jones Newswires.

“The first is preventative measures. As of 13th May, Sony was incomplete in exercising measures that they said they will do on the 1st May press conference.”

The preventative measures he was referring to remain a secret for security reasons. The second demand is said to pertain to Sony’s plans to regain consumer confidence.

“There were similar cases in the past that were caused by other firms, and we are asking Sony whether their measures are good enough when compared to countermeasures taken in the past,” Nobutani said.

There’s no word on when the PSN will be restored in Japan. Do you think Japanese authorities are being overly cautious or was the PSN restored before it was ready?


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