New Star Trek Series Ready to Pitch to Networks?

Ever since JJ Abrams revitalized the world of Star Trek woth the fantastic movie that came out in 2009, many fans have been clamoring for the well loved series to make a return to television. A few concepts have been thrown out here and there since Enterprise was cancelled in 2005 but none have made it past a network pitch and we have been without Trek on our screens since then. That may very well soon change. David Foster has a vision and he’s ready to make the pitch. He was recently interviwed at the recent Las Vegas convention saying:

The series concept is fully developed, subject to change of course, with a solid 5-7 year series plan, pilot script and a conceptualized finale that intends to define Star Trek for generations, extensive character bios, costume and ship/set designs, and more. This is a drastic departure from the typical 8-10 page treatment of the previously pitched Star Trek series ideas that have not included even a pilot script.

He wants to get back to the roots of Gene Roddenberry’s vision of Star trek but he has also used a number of modern influences including Joss Whedon, Ron Moore, Manny Coto, and J. Michael Straczynski while developing the series. Possibly the biggest surprise is that it would not take place in the new Abrams timeline but would be set post Voyager in the main established timeline. He goes on to describe the series idea in more detail.

The series is highly energized with a much younger cast, and uses cutting-edge future technologies with newly envisioned special effects and designs. It includes Klingons, Ferengi, Andorians, Vulcans, Trill, and many more. The Klingons are getting very restless since the Praxis incident forced them to come to the peace tables, and are tired of having to rely on the Federation for support. The Ferengi have discovered a vast new resource that has propelled them towards instant riches and power beyond anything they have previously experienced.

I for one would be absolutely stoked about a new Star Trek series. The concept sounds great and I really do hope this gets picked up by a network. It’s time to once again boldly go where no one has gone before. Tell me what you think in the comments.


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