In 2010, The Real Congregation was a radio show on WPRK. Together the fans listening in back in those days sculpted a “cult” around The Great Squiddy, who Marc With a C later wrote a song about. That’s right! Squiddy’s mythos was born because of this show. We’re transporting you back in time to the original Real Congregation episode where Marc took a fun idea to otherworldly extremes – bringing the incredibly inside joke to life.
Marc was joined on this episode by Radar from the now-defunct Freaking Geek show, who went by his “Atlantian name”, Sonar, for a spirited religious argument. Plus, there’s an intro from Emmit Dobbyn, one of the listeners from that fateful night, who was instrumental in orchestrating the Squiddy entity for Marc to run off and go crazy with.
Seem confusing? It won’t be. This is actual history, folks. Enjoy!